Value of Coins - £££ not showing only the token amount

Please help - I recently purchased some tokens and the token amount is showing but not the Value £££ my friend brought at the same time and he is not having any issues

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Hey. Was it SpaceGrime that you purchased which isn’t showing the value ? ?

No another coin, the token number is showing but not the value of the coins/tokens

Ah ok this has happened to me too but with SpaceGrime, I can see the tokens just not the £

Read this Why is there no Token Logo or Price?

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Did you ever fire it out? I’m having the same issue with Spacepupper. Own 900million but TW shows no price. Can’t figure out where to ask for help at either

Hello @MikeDobles If the coin or token is listed on CoinMarketCap then the price will automatically show up on the app.
Read more: Where Does Trust Wallet Get Coin Pricing Data From?

Hey Alan I have bought A token called Royal Ada and transferred to my wallet and it is listed on the CoinMarketCap but I can only see the token amount and not the value please help me