Wallet Trust Token PYLNT enviado para endereço de Wanchain da mesma Wallet Trust

I created a Trust wallet and sent a Pylon token (PYLNT) to the Wanchain Token (WAN) address. Tokens appear here, but they don’t appear in the Wallet, I can’t see in the Trust wallet what should I do to redeem? Link:

Please, who can help me, please contact me by email:
[email protected]


Based on the transaction, the tokens was sent to this address: 0xBEf5D9B6725Ab19D09fF1E54d0D3F1Ef1548Eedf

Can you send us a screenshot of the ETH wallet address that you have on the app?
Please include the QR code.
Also, may we know the version of the app you are using?


Endereço da Wan da mesma Wallet 0xBEf5D9B6725Ab19D09fF1E54d0D3F1Ef1548Eedf
Aí está o erro enviei errado ,entendeu agora?

Endereço do ETH 0xD42b8607E486DBa0dFa2d9a8F3F2103C4B557068

Versão da WALLET

Wan address of the same Wallet 0xBEf5D9B6725Ab19D09fF1E54d0D3F1Ef1548Eedf There is the error I sent wrong, understand now? ETH address 0xD42b8607E486DBa0dFa2d9a8F3F2103C4B557068 WALLET version 1.7.183

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I don’t know if you understand me now? I sent it to the wrong address for mieda, more in the same Wallet

I have this problem for almost 6 months trying to solve, and I can’t solve it, if you help me, thank you …

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OK got it.

WAN and ETH are already 2 separate chains.
The tokens you sent are ERC20 tokens, which reside on ETH network.

Here is what you need to do to recover your funds.
Using the guide above, you need to get the Private Key of the WAN address.
Afterwards, use the Private Key and Import it as an ETH wallet.


Thank you very much for everything, tomorrow I will try to do this step by step if I can recover my coins I wanted to make a donation, so how should I do it?
Because I’ve been trying to solve this problem for a long time.

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Of course it will be a small donation, but will it help this channel, of course, if it is possible to do that?


You can donate it to Binance Charity if you want.

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Yes, I will make a donation thank you very much for your help, may God bless and protect you always


I want to thank and inform that I will make a donation. Because everything went well, I managed to recover my Tokens, Thanks for the help …


Wonderful news. Thanks for letting us know. You have a nice day.

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Wonderfull platform ha dosto

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