Been trying to get help for lost BNB but can not find where to get any. A email? Or live chat?
Seem to have lost BNB when transferring into trust wallet from CoinSpot, using same process I’ve done numerous times. Except it never went into account.
Anyone have any ideas?
Have you checked the transaction hash from the withdrawal? Also a good idea to use a blockchain explorer to check the addresses too
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same thing happen to me today while i was stacking BNB.After few hours all my BNB disappear from my total balance
Did you check your address using a blockchain explorer to see where the funds went?
Trustwallet app is just a tool to interact with the blockchain, your funds are not stored within it, and the blockchain will always show every movement in your address
there is not transactions appear on my history of BNB
So your balance of bnb is still shown or are you missing something? DM me your address if you want, I’ll have a look
Everything is disappeared! Cant see anymore my history and my BNB balance
How I can DM privately? I just get into the community today and i m not very familiar with the website
Hi ! Can you please message me as well? I have missing BNB from binance to trustwallet , i had no memo as when youpaste the trustwallet address it said no memo required… I think the fee was wrong… Support did not answer yet
whats your address? was your bnb on bep2 or bep20 chain? you need to look into the blockchain and see where the funds are
How about bnb smart missing after using dex to swaping my bnb to bnb smartchain
Can you please help me
I have done by transaction through moonpay to buy bnb on 21st Thursday and it’s been 3days I haven’t received my bnb in my trust wallet
Can I please get any help in this regards
hello can anyone please help me too?
i have some eos and chz in my wllet but cant transfer because i do t have any bnb.
ineed only max 0.5usd pricw bnb.please help
you swapped chains within trustwallet app for BNB, i.e. bep2 to bep20?
Make sure you have selected the token token tracker for the right BNB, search BNB and select both bep2 and bep20 to show
There is no issue here, You just need BNB to pay fees, buy some and send it to your address
Do you have a transaction hash that shows as successful? please send details here to be checked, or use a blockchain explorer to lookup your address balances and transactions
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hey everyone im new in using trust wallet, trying to buy safemoon thru trustwallet, turns out i need small amount of SMARTCHAIN BNB (50 cents) and now got my busd stuck and cant afford the minimum 0,1 bnb withdrawal just to get my money swapped or out, can someone help? i would greatly appreciate it and i will pay it back for their bsc help please!
my issue is i have not 150USD to buy bnb.
i only need less than worth 0.1 $ bnb
i hope someone can send me
Still nothing. After i swap bnb to bnb smart chain. It was successfull in a few seconds and went gone
Please send your address here, or use bscscan to look up your address and view the balances and transactions