BNB Disappeared after Swap

Likewise … Where is this smart bnb? I’ve been waiting for half an hour too

I have the same issue. And I cannot trace transaction record. I HOPE MY BNB WONT BE LOST. this is really frustrating

Same thing i transferred from bnb to smart chain and lost all funds and didn’t receive smart chain.

I 2nd this I tried 3 times now and fees taken every time I would like a refund. Its a joke I been trybto exchange them for the last 4hrs

I just tried swapping BNB for Smart Chain and my coins disappeared. No BNB and no Smart Chain. But Fee paid of course. Can you please support and refund my fee?
Thank you very much.

I have this same issue

I have the same problem . When I change my bnb to smartchain they are lost from mywallet

I just had the same issue happen. Swapped all of my bnb to smart chain, paid a fee and did not receive any smart chain. And all of my bnb is currently lost.

You will get your BNB back but not the fee’s. It can take hours unfortunately. Wait, do not repeat the process and hope for help. Pretty sure the fee’s are lost though.

Same situation here.such a failure.why is this happening. I could have bought safemoon at a lower price

I Transferred Bnb to Trust Wallet Then I Swap Bnb To Bnb smart Chain But After That all my bnb disappeared.

same here, I did the same swap 1h ago, and everything has disappeared.
in history/transaction, there is nothing

Me too.i lost my bnb after swapping and no amount were swapped. Is this a bug?

Just been given back to BNB minus the transaction fee, fee for what exactly @trustwallet need to address this ASAP


It’s absolutely disgusting, My BNB has not arrived in my wallet and they have taken the fee and a big fat ‘0’ been sitting there for 9 hours now. I don’t know why support cannot assist. Have they been hacked?


Swapped BNB to Smart Chain twice and both times it said it was successful. First time I tried to do it with 100% minus the fee. Second time I did 75% minus the fee. Both went through yet it didn’t swap and kept it on BNB.

Both transactions on binance show it being successful however I just lost the fee’s each time with no swap. I would post screenshots but my account is limiting me from doing so.

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Same issue here, I swapped from BNB to smart chain.

Can someone assist us pls and explain the situation

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I have this same problem
I swapped my bnb to the smart chain and it has not come through

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I have the same issue, my bnb has disappeared as well as the smartchain has not appeared, its like its lost, additionally i cant seem to find any history on the swap at all, or any swap for that matter, very concerning.

Hi everyone, I can relate to your issues. It is indeed worrying when we cannot see our swapped BNBs immediately. Please read my response here to know why there are delays with the cross-chain swaps: Swap from BNB to BNB smartchain, but value is missing - #203 by iamdeadlyz

I’ll be locking this thread so other users can see my response immediately.