How to Use This Site?

:eyes: Do you need help? Here’s how to find support

This site will help you find answers to your questions. All you need to do is look for them.

:star: DYOR (Do Your Own Research)

We encourage everyone to be proactive and find their own solutions.

:writing_hand: How to Post A Topic

Any user who joins the site can freely comment on existing topics. However, in order to prevent spam and duplicate questions we have started to restrict posting topics based on your Trust Level.
You need achieve at least Trust Level 1 (basic user) to be able to post new topics.

:trophy: How to Increase Trust Level

Simple. Read the articles and guides. Help other users out.

:ticket: Submit a Ticket

If you can’t find what you’re looking for after going through our self-help site and feedback section, you can submit a ticket and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

:sos: Trust Wallet Users, We Need Your Support

This website is a community effort. We would like everyone to contribute. Every effort counts, no matter how big or small.

Check out these sections:

  • Ideas - Have a new feature in mind, or would like to request for a new token or blockchain integration? You can submit your thoughts here. We want our users to share their insights on what they want to be added to the wallet and our devs would love to hear from you.

  • Feedback - Your assistance in answering topics posted on this section is highly appreciated. You can also voice your concerns here. How was your experience with our customer support? Is our app easy to use? Is the community website useful? Let us know!

  • Discussion - This is reserved for high value posts and not just general questions. Posts here should benefit the entire ecosystem. Your thoughts are valued and everyone is welcome to join in these discussions.

  • Developers - Our devs will post about any new projects or developments that are being working on here. You can share your feedback with us here too.
