In my opinion why TWT needed to be staked

Staking TWT with a high reward will lead to mass adoption, help increase the price and also maintain the price. Such a typically example of a coin is sologenic coin. In summary I’m proposing the TRUST WALLET TEAM should work on this as others have proposed it earlier.


Hope will do it :speaking_head:


Adoption will be happen, just matter of time



Exactly. Once roadmap and white paper remains intact and the user cases of this project earlier released are in force, we all will be shocked how doubters will regret not being HODLERS.
No one would even remember whether to stake or not then.


Its all already here( WP is here, roadmap and usecases here. Lol, man, you are community member here and in telegram chat and lond time member, how come you miss that? Its all published on listing proposal for Binance dex. Link is in announcment category) Hodl till new horizonts.

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@Kikcha Read between every line. Are you talking about the PROPOSED USER CASES or what? If it has been began or has been implemented Can you mention them?
We all know of Ethereum is used as gas fees not tell me the exact user case for this?
Just hold on till all are implemented. It is then you will know the difference between PROPOSED and ACTUALIZATION

The primary user case in the proposal states that *It AIMS to accelerate onboarding of new users and incentivize usage of cryptocurrency.

It went further to say ; More details available on:

So, the more details is the suspense that will boost it when the team releases it.


“Listing proposal” means message, but use cases mention there is already actualy works, so read on lines, dont fall between)


I said you should mention at least three that are already in force out of the listed ones. Besides, evidence is the end of every argument.
Show everyone evidence with genuine link


:point_right:t5: Incentives of TWT that are currently working :point_down:t5:

Projects and Developers pay with TWT to add their projects (tokens, DApps, Blockchains, etc.) to Trust Wallet App. You can follow this link for more information.

:point_right:t5: Also, Affiliate and bounty rewards, the token can be converted to BNB in the Trust wallet built in DEX, that can be used for Network Fees.

:point_right:t5: More will be implemented later.

Read more about TWT here: Trust Wallet Token (TWT)


@Idrisalomagold and check Bepswap, where staking is already realised. Lurkmore, my friend.


@Alan47 thank you for this info. You eventually rescued the situation with your points. :+1:

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Agreed. I had wanted you to list them earlier to end our arguments rather than saying it existed without actual reference.
Thank you all.


Hm, well, let me expand a bit my point:
As a long time member you know that DYOR is our way) That’s why i try to stay away from linking some services here, in first place. And with respect to team & mods (while @zachzwei, @Alan47, @claudio, @Rabzskyy is there any future where team will make Offtopic\Trading category for discussions and whats your opinion on posting links to some Dapps (respected ones), Apps\Webservices? Like make a topic to share some trading tools for Tradingview or else in that direction?).
Second one - that “staking, give us staking”, topic #5 about that topic, while it’s really all here, even on some exchanges unofficially for a some time now. And we got chat at telegram about bepswap, rune and twt, check it later, by search there.
Also, i really encourage you personally to explore more services in binance chain, as its adoption an use is a real deal for all ecosystem.
Main reason that this topic is so “hot” (again, “fresh” topic on twt staking every week" is because all want pump for token price, while not all even know how today it can be used(((( Do you understand what conditions need be in some economic system for staking on asset? Because in terms of blockchain design and token current emission and distribution model no staking can be organized (Because no security or economic or other system tasks can be performed on this token by staking).
And last, but not least, i got at community some other topics to explore and develop what i like more that trade\stake\earn\etc themed and if i got time, i rather make some noise there) Check them in my profile, if interested.


Well explained and comprehended at my own end here.
Thank you for the time you put up to write these things. Also, I saw your reference at the telegram group in which I was also quoted, calling my attention to it.
“Trez Bien”
Just as I quoted replied your telegram post, I will shortly send you something using the :email: button and would be glad to have them attended to AT YOUR LEISURE TIME because I know you will be busy always.
Thank you once again.


This is one is the most important moves they could make! When staking gives returns, it encourages big investments!