Received funds show in history but not in balance

@Samuel1 Can you provide your receiving address ?



Here’s it. I’ve tried everything the support instructed me to do no solution. Please help me.


@Samuel1 Can you try to import into another device if that’s possible.


I’ve tried so many times problem not resolved. I reinstalled the app as instructed same issue. I submitted a ticket and provide the information requested yet not solution.


Mr Toni. Is there anyway you can help me please, I need the money urgently it’s been 8days now.


I text you on there message failed. Can I send you my number to add me up please?

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@Samuel1 That’s an impersonator !! I would not request to chat to you elsewhere.
If your tokens are still not shown, please import to another decentralised wallet that supports BTC and access your tokens there.


Can you give me examples please? I’ve tried log into my trust wallet with another device yet my token is not there. I honestly don’t know what else to do.

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@Tobi you scammed my money, nobody should listen to him. He’s not with the support team.

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@Samuel1 My last message to you literally warned you to be wary of impersonators.
You spoke to an impersonator and lost your assets, there’s nothing to be done unfortunately but for you to learn from that and be vigilant next time.

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Hi Tobi, I’m having the same issue everyone is complaining about lately, funds not showing up in my Trust wallet but shows on the block explorer. Is there a way to import my crypto address from Trust wallet to another wallet which supports the same crypto?


@Tony_RSA You can import to another address if they do support the token.


I received funds 8 days ago, it reflects on the explorer it doesn’t reflect on my bitcoin main balance… Team help resolve this issue Asap. Below is my btc address:



Thanks for your help Tobi it worked, funds show up on my Guarda wallet. Just a heads up, it does seem that someone from the Trust community team is intercepting our messages while the message is still waiting to be approved. I have received an email from a gmail account pretending to try and assist an hour after posting my message on the community page, which was only visible to the Trust community team. Might want to ask someone to investigate the matter.

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@Tony_RSA Great that worked.
Also there’s an impersonator on the forums but they are banned now, please always stay vigilant.

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@Manzuk I’d suggest you restart your device then reimport your wallet.

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I’m having similar issues, After I successfully confirmed a transfer of some amount of Bitcoin to me, The Balance remained unchanged and all attempts have failed to resolve this. It shows in my transaction history, but it’s not adding to my balance and I can’t send the coin out, because my balance is zero. Can you put me through how do I import to another address?


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@Sammie_65 If you need your funds urgently, you can simply import to another wallet and access them there.

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How will I do that, can you explain to me how to import to another wallet, I have no idea

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@Sammie_65 If you have reimported on your Trust app, it is the same way to import to another wallet.
Please ensure you do your own research on what wallet you’d import to.

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