Sent Waltonchain (WTC) to a WWTC address, need help

If that is the case, then please read and understand my previous message.

I want to know how you sent this address If that is the case, then please read and understand my previous message.You say the trust wallet and my money was lost. I was sent more than once and it did not reach me. The case only appears in the report only. I am sure that the problem is with you because I send as described to me and I did not give anyone the password. I was disappointed. I replace God for my money.

I do not recommend this app. I stole all my money and there was no solution. I regret that I subscribed to this wallet

Sorry to hear about your experience, @khaledss. Please be informed that you are responsible in making sure your recover phrase is not exposed. I have repeated everything that you should do and not do.

I also linked this guide a couple of times which you should have followed immediately.

I didn’t give anyone any code. And other than that, you say phishing programs with many accounts and wallets. Why are these specifically stolen? Illogical speech If the wallet is stolen, it is necessary to know which address was stolen When I first tried this wallet, I said it was good But then I regret my trust in you It is enough that all my money is lost :neutral_face::unamused:

First, you sent WTC to the wallet, which is not even supported. I gave you all the steps and things that you should have done. You might have likely gave it away to a phishing page unconsciously, or, perhaps you have malware on your device.

Complaining further won’t get us anywhere, we do not even know who is the owner of that wallet. You have to act and transfer your assets on a newly created wallet so they cannot steal further. Follow this immediately: My Recovery Phrase Has Been Exposed!

That’s enough Where did he get the money from? You stole all my money :cry::cry::cry::cry:

Try to read and comprehend my previous message.

You always say, “Read the previous messages,” Will you return my money with the messages? Really, this is unfair. I don’t trust anything again.

Sorry, it is not possible.

Here is the excerpt from the guide that I have previously linked and that you should have read: My Recovery Phrase Has Been Exposed!

I swear to you first, I said it was a safety wallet and put my money in it, and at the end I regretted it

Please be careful next time and do not enter your recovery phrase on a phishing site, fake/clone app, nor give it someone else. Everything that I have stated in this thread is very clear.