Transaction success but coins not delivered to recepient adress

To whom it my concern

Hello, my name is soroush. I’m a trustwallet user in case of holding my cryptocurrency asset. In this case, during a transaction at 15 May for my ETC (Ethereum Classic)crypto, i made a mistake and sent it thorough BEP20 network instead of own ETC network. Now I recieved a confirmation but the recepient still didnt recieve the ETC crypto on his trustwallet.

I sincerely ask to help me with this in order to get back my cryptocurrency.

It means a world to me. Thank you for your cooperation sir.

My ETC adress :

Transaction ID :

Recepient adress :

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To whom it my concern

Hello, my name is soroush. I’m a trustwallet user in case of holding my cryptocurrency asset. In this case, during a transaction at 15 May for my ETC (Ethereum Classic)crypto, i made a mistake and sent it thorough BEP20 network instead of own ETC network. Now I recieved a confirmation but the recepient still didnt recieve the ETC crypto on his trustwallet.

I sincerely ask to help me with this in order to get back my cryptocurrency.

It means a world to me. Thank you for your cooperation sir.

My ETC adress :

Transaction ID :

Recepient adress :

How can I connect with Admins ?
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Everyday begins a new story as we progress you will understand how it works and mind you it is simple. Let me know if you want some more clarifications

Refund on fees if it takes longer than website says to show coins after purchase. Lost 5-6k today because of the delay.

I have the same problem. Did you find a way to resolve. I accidently purcahsed in pancake swao under the wrong version. I then sold it and residuals were left in the balnce. When I purchased the new one, it didnt import bt I see it in BSCScan succesfully. How can I import into my wallet.

A post was split to a new topic: Received Tron but balance not updated

A post was split to a new topic: Sent BEP20 to KuCoin