Wallet balance shows 0

Hello, my wallet balance shows 0, but when I see through explorer, numbers are good! I am using Trust Wallet extension on Brave. I did all the steps on Chrome and it worked, balance shows correct, but on Brave balance shows 0. Also I have Trust Wallet app on my iPhone, the balance there is also correct.
Walllet address: bc1qhu45jlmu7gxhfhjr8hkqeje4p845z9n2jdaklh
Please help. What can be done to fix it?
Thank you!


@LaikaBro There is a message in your wallet when you tap on Bitcoin that Transaction issues are expected, it’s best you wait patiently while this is resolved.
If you need further support, please open a support ticket from your Trust wallet app.
Before opening a ticket, ensure you have tried troubleshooting the issue yourself first, you can use the chatbot in your settings for common troubleshooting
Settings → Support
Then if you still have the error, open a ticket

To reduce response times from customer support, please include the following info in the ticket:

App version, device model, wallet address, TX hash (if available), and the blockchain + assets you’re experiencing the issue with, and any relevant screenshots or videos to duplicate the error.


Hello i have the same problem,i see the trx on my history received transaction but my balanc is 0 and it …how much should i wait


@Ori89 Please follow the troubleshoot guide:

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My Balance is showing 0. What is the problem , Why am i experiencing this


Too add *^ the successful transfer of fdusd over the smart chain network did show value for the small amount I transferred after my failed attempt which is currently held up at 0 value.


To add again : I have been in contact with Binance - and they said the fdusd was sent correctly and held value when it left Binance.

I have also requested to speak to a live person with trust - as well as this effort here.

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I am also having the same problem. But it is with a specific token.

I have a couple sceen shots to demonstrate more clearly - but this upload feature does not appear to be working.

I had been forced to abandon Binance as a Canadian. Only allows for a Canadian to withdrawal at this time. And I cannot change the tokens I had. So I started transferring out.

Basically I have fdusd that I transferred from Binance - over the op bnb network. It arrived in my trust wallet. But the value shows 0. I had more fdusd I transferred successfully a little later. This was over the bnb smart chain network for fdusd as opposed to the op bnb network i had originally used unsuccessfully.

I thought ok no prob I will just transfer the fdusd from the op bnb network wallet to the bnb smart chain wallet. I did need some bnb tokens which I did not have, for the transfer, and as a Canadian I could not acquire through Binance. So I was left to find someone who worked out a deal with me for some ‘gas’.

Well today I got the bnb I needed for transfer fees and tried to transfer it. It went through and said transferred… but they were still in the wallet… and still valueless. Frustrating because the transfer finally processed, as I thought that was the last step to unlocking my funds…

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@Tavrabbit Can you please submit a ticket at support.trustwallet.com or through your Trust app.
**Settings → Support


Hey! I tried this but haven’t heard anything back, I was anticipating an email within 24 hours : I reached out to your telegram a day or two ago and haven’t heard anything back yet.

@Tavrabbit That’s a scammer you’re speaking to on telegram as I would not initiate such contacts.

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Ah gotcha - I have 3 emails through this platform saying it’s a node setting in my wallet and to reach out on telegram. Is this issue not a node setting in my wallet? Will they get back to me - I had left an email with their chat gpt customer service.

@Tavrabbit Those are scams and they have been banned from here, please do ignore.

When the trust wallet was updated, the 104 USD BNB network disappeared without explanation. can you help me get my money back. thank you.

@argaan Did you already add it manually in your wallet ?
Here’s a guide:

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my usdt balance is not reflecting it is saying zero after I just deposited inside it please help me mm

@iceyprend Please provide your app version and receiving address.

Please I need help my balance is showing on my wallet but when I try to send out it shows me a zero balance

@Habibi_001 Can you explain what you mean ?

Hi please I have made a transaction to my bitcoin wallet on the 20th and it’s appearing as confirmed with over 200 confirmations on blockchain. I even have the transaction history on the trust wallet app but my bitcoin balance is still showing $0.
Yes, I’ve also done all the troubleshooting and even re-imported my wallet but I still can’t see the balance. But the balance is showing on the blockchain explorer, can someone please tell me what’s going on as I need to make a withdrawal for a payment and I can’t!