Where are my assets?

I just started having issues two hours ago. Did they fix your pro lem? How long did it take?

Be sure your wallet is connected to correct platform. Eth or bsc. Go to top right on pancake or whatever you are using and connect

Connevtbyourvtrudtcwslletvto whatever you have . Uniswsp, feg. Sushi. Pancake etc

I don’t even have Uniswap, I see the same information… How do I set that up? And do you have access to yours through Uniswap?

That’s exactly what I want to know… I can’t even think straight right now

I did… And even did it on a backup cell phone and still none of my ETH or SHIB are back… Please recover my assets!!! I have followed every single thing you have told me to do… This is really getting upsetting. I am not rich and this is really going to put me in a tough situation. Sickening

Connect trust wallet to eth wallet. That way you will see all. This may help you

I lost everything in second and it add coins I never had. Red floki I lost ten billions. My account showed $500, then $14. I only had $220 worth a coins on there. I emailed support. I hope to get my funds back or I am suing. I got all my receipts. They even delete my transactions off bscan lucky I saved receipts in pdf form. Trust wallet I give you one hour to fix this issue or you will be hearing from my lawyer.


All my coins were gone in mins. I had different coins. It’s like my wallet is mixed up with someone else’s. Sent two complains to support. I also a shady email saying it was support.

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Try updating the trustwallet app…it worked for me…x_xxxxxxxxxxxx


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Thank you!! Trust wallet for showing my assets again. Have to give you credit for this.

i have the same issue, please solve this issue someone,
I reinstalled but still same problem

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Unauthorized transactions from my wallet