Yesterday i did one transaction on bnb smartchain transaction success but still not received fund in my wallet

Yesterday i did one transaction on bnb smartchain transaction success but still not received fund in my wallet trans hash 0x4d5890e9837c2c04e47bd1e9ee4512f8b3f868587c8d2ae233853c12e3b687a0


Hello @kunalpratap
Can you explain what token you were trying to swap to and also kindly send your receiving address here as a plain text.


I was tryinh swap integrity coin (0xDaa604305fE12a0e2714E2794E1241071F85CdBA) for busd trans was successful you can check trans hash

My wallet address - 0xa8eEADFd6b4F6e464928645a5569df30EA708ba9


Yesterday i did one transaction on bnb smartchain transaction success but still not receive I my wallet

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This is my BNB smart chain address :::0x79a57369fdC6DFa10Bc319B229372a96Aa82a316

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My BNB smart chain address ::::0x79a57369fdC6DFa10Bc319B229372a96Aa82a316

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This text will be hidden


Please help i transferred 19$ worth of bnb from binance to trust wallet it say completed but not received

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Hello @wulfricjames6

To better assist, please send the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press “About”, take a screenshot, and attach it here)
  2. Crypto wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot of the QR code, and attach it here. Also copy and paste it in plain text)
  3. Transaction hash or link (if you have any, please copy and paste)

Heads up! Please be informed that we will never ask for your seed phrase or money; talk to you via email, WhatsApp, Telegram, or other platforms. Be vigilant against scammers and impersonators, and report them to us immediately.

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Tx id:0xbf94ef9ea5ca4539e8e5c2aa70d8942483cb49c3904302366fcdf07723dd66e5

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It doesn’t allow me to post pictures

App version

Wallet address

Txid: 0xbf94ef9ea5ca4539e8e5c2aa70d8942483cb49c3904302366fcdf07723dd66e5

Please help.

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@wulfricjames6 Your BNB was sent out

Do you recognize that transaction?

Thanks for the feedback,but i do not recognize the above transaction.
How do i stop this from happening again.

@wulfricjames6 Unfortunately your wallet may be compromised then and i’d advise not to transact with that wallet again but create a new one.
We also have no way to identify the person who has access to a specific wallet or address.

Trust Wallet does not hold the funds. Everything is on the blockchain.

What this means is that a wallet can be accessed using a different app.

The Trust Wallet team cannot reverse, cancel, or refund confirmed transactions in the blockchain since the app is a non-custodial wallet. All transactions done in the blockchain are permanent.

It is recommended to create a new wallet and abandon the compromised one.
Please make sure you downloaded and installed the legitimate Trust Wallet app on official sites, you can check here:

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