Balances not showing after wallet restore


This my wallet address please help me out since yesterday have been waiting

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@Olamilekan06 There are no recent transactions on this address.
You may need to contact the sender to confirm where they have sent to.

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Hello. $1482 worth BTC was sent to my wallet address but up till now it doesn’t reflect on my dash board though it shows on the bock chain explorer

Mobile app version: 8.1.4

Btc receiving address: bc1qec0u9xld7l9gjs9nkl9g9420kjavrll9f30mh4

Transaction hash: f2358d2dcc70f9954f000eb975555ebe19e631a4308f29bfd55c8e927cf44ad9

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Hello @btdavinci
The Transaction shows as pending so you’d need to wait till it’s confirmed on the blockchain.

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Me again. I’ve emailed several times. Got ignored on this thread and tried reddit. Here is my latest transaction hash. Clearly shows it was sent to my trust wallet. Where have my tokens gone?



@Cryptowiz Your tokens were sent to your address

If you can’t see them still, follow the troubleshoot guide below:

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Thats my wallet address? So they should be in my wallet. Like I’ve been saying this entire time


0x41C59411416Cef653DFc0E595Ce8064F3D3dF9d8 this is my address i aready try manually but its nor working

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Hello tobi i chanche my phone restored my wallet with the phrases but i cant get my tokens this is my adress plese help version 8.3.2

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Hia tobi i change my phone restored my wallet with my 12 phrases but it show 0 valance on my token i try to do it manually but its not working plese help me this is my address 0x41C59411416Cef653DFc0E595Ce8064F3D3dF9d8


@Mariom2g There is no history of transactions on this wallet address.

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I know but i put my old phrases same thing it happen with one if my friend it looks like whe you change phones the address of the wallet changes


Please i made a swap on pancake and made a transaction using wrong network so i deleted the Trust wallet app and installed it again. I used my secret phrase to restore it but that particular token balance is showing zero (0). Please help me recover :pray:t5:

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@Sandybabe please send the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press “About”, then attach it here)

  2. Crypto wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, copy and paste it here in plain text)

  3. Transaction hash or link (if you have any, please copy and paste)


Version 8.7.1

Address: 0xa13FE6cfB21973f7101C631871Aa95Fb2d7d8f28

Tnx Hash: 0xc86eb45710ea6a4ca048e3d98b2f809522447e0bd3fef74b8506a9511e741df5

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@Sandybabe Please go through your transaction history, you received and already sent out the token.


Version 8.7.1

Sending Address: 0xa13FE6cfB21973f7101C631871Aa95Fb2d7d8f28

Tnx Hash: 0xc86eb45710ea6a4ca048e3d98b2f809522447e0bd3fef74b8506a9511e741df5

Receiving address: 0xe05e6d20b4453a3fa7f0f49d3e8bcfdd54b5cfd4

It never reached its destination because of the wrong network i used. The token was JB2024 BEP20 and I sent it to JB2024 ERC20.

Version 8.7.1

Sending Address: 0xa13FE6cfB21973f7101C631871Aa95Fb2d7d8f28

Tnx Hash: 0xc86eb45710ea6a4ca048e3d98b2f809522447e0bd3fef74b8506a9511e741df5

Receiving address: 0xe05e6d20b4453a3fa7f0f49d3e8bcfdd54b5cfd4

Yes I mistakenly sent it to ERC20 network on an exchange which I never received so later i deleted the Trust wallet app and reinstalled it.

Yes I mistakenly sent it to an ERC20 network but I did not receive it at the exchange so I later deleted the app and reinstalled it using my secret phrase.