Balances not showing after wallet restore


Sorry, think i sent the wrong hash. Clearly states i have holdings in my wallet that has increased since i looked yesterday

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@daniel17 Itā€™s been noted by the Devs and they are working on a fix now.

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Hey Guys I need your help, with the new update It doesnā€™t show me the coins that I had before (ETH, solana) show me $ 0.79, I have more in coins, I have my 12 access, Iā€™ve already reinstalled several times, but i have the same issue, because I remember i have 0.5 ETH, something like that> I hope so you can help meā€¦ so in another words my balance not showing.


Hello @pgonzalez2910
Did you check your wallet address on the explorer to see what it says?
Maybe you have imported another recovery phrase that shows another wallet.

Iā€™ve already checked I think so I put another phrase, But I was looking in my files It is the only phrase that I Honestly, I donā€™t know what to do. because it is a little investment, that I have this. but it just happened after this last update. I donā€™t know how you can help me, even the design it is completely different now, because in the last two months I didnā€™t check the app, until yesterday, that I saw the bitcoin it was raising, so I check, it asked for update after that I couldnā€™t access, so I reinstalled, and I put my phrase but like I said it doesnā€™t show my balance. it show me a balance of 0.70 tx something. is there another trust wallet app has the same name

@pgonzalez2910 No Trust wallet actually rebranded, you should have checked and confirmed you had a backup first before deleting the App.
Unfortunately we do not keep logs of the recovery keys so you would need to remember where you have backed your wallet to.

Honestly, I never made a backup, so in another words I lost my investment it was almost 800 dollars, Iā€™ve already checked my emails, I just found one, but I am not sure if I am doing something wrong. but I donā€™t know what to do, I learn the lesson. so start over again.

How can i send you a image ?
I found a screenshoot of my wallet with investment.

@pgonzalez2910 Thereā€™s no way we can recover your tokens even if you have a screenshot, you need to have the recovery keys to access your wallet.

Hello change my phone and try to open my wallet on my new phone but its shows 0 valance please guide me to recover funds

Hello @Mariom2g
Please be informed that it is impossible to recover the wallet without the recovery phrase or private key. You should have a backup stored in a safe place. Also, the Trust Wallet team does not keep a log of your recovery phrases for your security.

For further information, please read:

But I donā€™t understand after the last update, I canā€™t see my balance, so I put my phrase , so am I doing something wrong? what else do you recommend me to do?

Tobi my valance is not shown after wallet restore please hlep me get my funds

I do have my phrases that is not the issue please guide me to recover my tokens

@Mariom2g Have you tried adding the tokens manually if they are shown.

How can we do it manually? Please let me know how can i do?.. please and thank you

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Same issues here.

Same issue here. I dont know what to do.
Im really sure i found my phrase but it doesnt show me my balance

@pgonzalez2910 Here are guides you can follow:

Tobi, is there an eta on the fix for the latest update? I have confirmed that all steps were taken on my end. After the new update , my wallet does not allow me to add new tokens or show theyre balances. There is also a glitch with the wallet connect feature when interacting with Rabby. Once connected, the app will show an unlimited amount of connected sessions and cannot be removed. Also, Dapp connection through the Trust Wallet browser have become spotty. Weā€™re looking forward to good news on a fix soon.

Hello @Johnmayn95
The bug with adding custom tokens is being looked into and should be resolved soon.
Regarding the wallet connect glitch you mentioned, do you have a video recording of the error.