Crypto disappeared

Today i transferred 10USDT from binance wallet to my trust wallet. But i couldn’t see the details in transaction history and surprisingly it disappear. May i know the reason

@bgmurthy Please send the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press “About”, then attach it here)

  2. Crypto wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, copy and paste it here in plain text)

  3. Transaction hash or link (if you have any, please copy and paste)

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  1. Version 8.5.6

  2. TLbez6KXGo4SYpcQFK6tWmCjR5YpY7NPyc

  3. Transaction ID

@bgmurthy Unauthorised transactions in your wallet are an indication of a compromised wallet. Please be informed that Trust Wallet is a free, decentralized app that allows users to be custodians of their crypto assets.

Anyone can create a wallet without the need for any user verification.

We have no way to identify the person who has access to a specific wallet or address.

Trust Wallet does not hold the funds. Everything is on the blockchain.

What this means is that a wallet can be accessed using a different app.

The Trust Wallet team cannot reverse, cancel, or refund confirmed transactions in the blockchain since the app is a non-custodial wallet. All transactions done in the blockchain are permanent.

It is recommended to create a new wallet and abandon the compromised one. Please make sure you downloaded and installed the legitimate Trust Wallet app on official sites, you can check here:

Learn more:

Its generic response… Dont understand for what reason the details have been sought from me. On the whole trust wallet is NOT trustworthy wallet

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@bgmurthy It’s not a generic response, read through it and understand why or how your wallet was compromised so you can prevent that next time.

If at all my wallet compromised even my transaction will not appear in the history?

@bgmurthy Transactions not showing up in your app history is just an app glitch, you can always check the respective blockchain explorer for your transactions.

Its not the first time the transaction not appear in my wallet… Moreover can i take this bug? Also guide me how to refer details in the explorer

@bgmurthy That is why i suggested using the explorer to always confirm transactions.
You can tap on the coin in your wallet, and you’d see a “Check explorer” link which will take you to the explorer for that network.

Deposited crypto was there for a while in my trust wallet, which means transaction completed am i right. But after sometime its disappearing. Refer attached screenshot

@bgmurthy Yes you received your USDT but then it was also sent out.

That’s what am asking without my authorisation how its being sent out. Which is happened multiple times

@bgmurthy I clearly explained that in my second message which you said was generic.
Please read through that.
Here’s an additional one:

Even if create new wallet the same 12 phrases are alone to used. Then again the issue will continued.

@bgmurthy Ensure you download the legitimate Trust app, check, follow security measures to protect yourself, never click links you’re not sure of.
Lastly, each wallet has a unique 12 word seedphrase so creating a new wallet means you are getting an entirely new seedphrase also.

Am using legitimate wallet only… Is there any other way to avoid loosing of funds… I have enabled biometric too for my wallet

@bgmurthy It’s all stated in the guide above, nothing beats doing your own research and reading through those guides.
They’re there to educate you better.

Once you loose your hard earned funds then only u will have the pain… Am seeking your education…Am also using other wallets but never have such unsecured funds held in trust wallet

@bgmurthy I have done that by providing you with links to guides where you can read and understand better.
I will attach them again below: