Missing funds help

A post was split to a new topic: Less XRP received from Binance

A post was split to a new topic: Transferred ETC to PancakeSwap

A post was split to a new topic: Bought squid game tokens on

I have a question, 10 XRP was taken from me when transferring from binance to trans wallet, will this not happen again? And when withdrawing and replenishment will not be?

There is a 10 XRP fee required in order to activate an XRP wallet. This is set by the XRP network and not by the app.
To learn more about this Reserve Requirement, you can check the technical document that explains it further: https://xrpl.org/reserves.html

A post was split to a new topic: Swapped SafeMoon for ETH

A post was split to a new topic: My CRO tokens gone

Hello i have problem when swap smartchain to Buff Shiba Coin…

transaction success for smartchain out…but just 0 BSHIB transfered to my wallet…
this my transaction hash :

please help me…

From transaction hash you swapped your BNB and received 0 Buff shiba
Check transaction on explorer you’ll see yourself.

You can contact PancakeSwap for support on this issue.

Hello any moderator I’ cant find where to post a new topic … but I’m missing funds I changed phones recently and.logged back in with my pass phrases and now all my BNB is missing and account transactions etc… it’s the correct wallet as I’ve checked multiple times

A post was split to a new topic: Transferred my shiba inu from trust wallet

I had the same problem too
I swapped bsc to bshiba through pancake swap, but never receive the token even after 10 hours
Please help, i did try add custom token but nothing happened.

This is my address : 0x3aAE5eF065ae4b88192E5E94Cc90b35a80E349AA

I couldn’t find where to post so I writing here. I swapped GreenMoonZilla using pancakeswap but I can’t see my token in trust wallet. I tried to custom add GreenMoonZilla to trust wallet twice but still there’s no coin. Can someone please help me out.

I used
Address: 0xc712AC1380fab1049B2b1806C417069e0037849c
Decimals :4

Hi Alan,

I become a victim of fraud and my fund was stolen by transferring and the BscScan transaction is available too. I tried several times to submit a ticket to Trust Wallet with all the above info you mentioned above but it has been destructed over and over by saying "Captcha verification failed, try again!


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A post was split to a new topic: Swapped BNB to BEP20

I’m missing all my shiba. I haven’t done a shoba translation in over a month. I look in my account now and it’s missing

I tried to send my ETH 2hrs ago from KUCOIN to TRUSTWALLET and still have no received that ETH…
txhash: 0xf62bbb131bb66a7ebe384d434ad814eee45ccb4b005ae266059537de53631d46
Wallet address:

Me too,transaction success but 0 balance bshib transfer in my wallet account

My safe moon token not showing yester night

20$ token has been lost somebody are hacked

Please resolved this issue not any phrase key share anybody why token are missing

Hash link

Hello, I tried to swap from bnb to smart bnb but the transaction is loading and failed but my bnb already gone, and my smart bnb still the same not adding value