Not received transaction

Thank you very much, it worked very well, God bless you :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Please I am having the same issue ,what do I do I haven’t received BTC purchased yet for over 2 days I don’t know what to do ,it shows it is completed in my history but it is not reflecting on my balance

I have checked it sir and it says the BTC was sent and yes it shows it has been sent on my history but has not reflected on my main wallet

@Peter35 Can you please try the troubleshoot guide below:

Also in addition, you could try switching your device on and off then switch your internet connection also if possible.

I was given an invalid address by trust wallet. I was given TEmq5LRnf15PcCzajfbYX3E9uer8tPx8Wk and I sent my funds there but it hasn’t arrived in my account as yet. I went to the coin, hit receive and copied the address I was given. When I go back, I see the same wallet address but 2 of the letters are capitalized TEmq5LRnf15PcCzajfBYX3E9ueR8tPx8Wk. How do I get my money since y’all gave me the incorrect address?

@Nsamyers22 You’ve been transacting on the address already.

You should add the token you’re missing manually.

There are 2 different addresses. This is the one I was given initially and the one the coins were sent to:TEmq5LRnf15PcCzajfbYX3E9uer8tPx8Wk. It comes up as invalid.

@Nsamyers22 Can you provide the transaction hash showing the tokens went there ?

How would I find that? I’m trying to add a photo of the transaction but I’m getting an error message.

@Nsamyers22 You can check from the sending wallet and simply send the transaction hash link.

The transaction was done on a company website. I emailed them this morning and asked for the hash, they said that they can no longer access it since the transaction was done on the 20th and won’t be able to provide that information.

@Nsamyers22 What’s the assurance you received any tokens then if there is no transaction hash ?

I have a screenshot showing that the transaction was successful. How can I send it?

I swapped bnb to solana(bsc) and swapped back to bnb but my tokens were sent to wbnb in this contract address (0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c) but the wbnb is not showing in my trust wallet and I have wbnb added to my wallet whee it shows the transaction history.

Txn hash: 0xa1d63504b730afb5f4aa9eb592e83a1506cadf3fbd27962a2db7a8cbbf26abde

Screenshots here:

@Twentytwx22 Check your receiving address on the solana explorer and see if you received it.

I received the solana on pancake swap but I swapped back to bnb from solana

You can view the screenshot here: The funds were sent from a business account. Reached out to the website, they said that they no longer have access to the hash. The fact is I was given the wrong address by trust wallet. I wouldn’t have this issue if the correct one was given in the first place.

@Nsamyers22 No that is wrong, your address won’t change.
Most likely you weren’t sent any tokens by the sender if they can’t provide a transaction hash.

@Tobi please help me out here. I swapped SOL to BNB via pancakeswap but my BNB has not been credited in my wallet for over 48hrs.
Tnx hash: 0xa1d63504b730afb5f4aa9eb592e83a1506cadf3fbd27962a2db7a8cbbf26abde

@Twentytwx22 It’s right there in your transaction history, you received it.