Getting Started With Trust Wallet’s Encrypted Cloud Backup Feature for Android

An easy-to-use backup & recovery method for your wallet

The Trust Wallet mobile app allows you to safely store an encrypted backup of your wallet’s 12-word secret phrase in your online cloud account. In this guide, we’ll show you how to back up and recover your wallet using the encrypted cloud backup feature.

We strongly recommend you write down and securely store your secret phrase in a physical location, in addition to using the encrypted cloud backup.

Backing up your wallet’s secret phrase to the cloud

There are two ways to access the encrypted cloud backup feature in the Trust Wallet mobile app:

  1. When creating a new wallet
  2. Through your wallet Settings (you’d use this option if you already have an active wallet set up but haven’t backup up your wallet to the cloud yet)

Using cloud backup when creating a new wallet

Step 1: Ensure you have the latest version of Trust Wallet for your device here. You can get it here:

Step 2: Open Trust Wallet, select “Create a new wallet” and create your passcode.

Step 3: Choose “Back up to Google Drive” on your Android device. Create a pin code, if prompted.

Step 4: Create your encryption password, follow the prompts, and select the Continue button to complete the process.

We recommend you DO NOT make this password the same as your iCloud password. Make your encryption password totally unique.

Note: If you lose your encryption password, you could lose your crypto. This password cannot be restored or reset by Trust Wallet, so please ensure to save the encryption password in a safe and secure place.

And that’s it! You’ve now successfully backed up your wallet’s 12-word secret phrase in the cloud.

Important next step

Once you have your secret phrase backed up to your cloud account, we strongly recommend you complete an additional manual written backup right away.

Your written backup will act as an extra safeguard for your wallet and assets if your device is damaged, lost, or if you’re unable to access the app for any reason.

Here’s how to complete a manual written backup of your wallet.

Using cloud backup with an already active wallet

You may already have Trust Wallet installed with an active wallet, but now want to use the cloud backup feature to securely store a copy of your secret phrase in the cloud.

Before you start, ensure you have the most updated version of Trust Wallet installed on your device. You can get it here:

Step 1: Open Trust Wallet and select “Settings”.

Step 2: Select “Wallets”.

Step 3: Select the info icon next to the wallet you want to make the cloud backup for.

The info icon is usually represented by 3 dots or an “(i)” symbol.

Step 4: Choose the “Google Drive backup” option

Step 5: Create your encryption password, follow the prompts, and select the Continue button to complete the process.

Recover your wallet with your cloud backup

Use the cloud back feature to recover your wallet if you cannot unlock the app, your device is lost or damaged, or want to import your wallet to another device.

Before you start, ensure you have the most updated version of Trust Wallet installed on your device. You can get it here:

Step 1: Open Trust Wallet and select “I already have a wallet”.

Step 2: Select “Restore with Google Drive”.

Step 3: Select the backup you want to restore.

Step 4: Enter your encryption password and click to continue.

Note: Your encryption password is the same password you entered to encrypt your backup when you first created it.

Tip: You can use Trust Wallet’s “multi-wallet” feature to add multiple wallets within the app, including a wallet backed up to the cloud as an additional wallet.

Do this by going to Settings > Wallets > “+” sign > “I already have a wallet” > choose the option to restore from your cloud backup, and follow the instructions.

What’s the advantage of using an encrypted cloud backup?

The cloud backup feature adds an easy-to-use backup and online recovery method for your wallet – providing an added safeguard for your digital assets if you cannot unlock the app or lose access to your device.

The secret phrase cloud backup features allow you to:

  • Securely create a new wallet easier and faster
  • Store an encrypted backup of your secret phrase that only you have access to
  • Access a seamless and secure online recovery tool for your wallet

People who use self-custody wallets like Trust Wallet sometimes fail to back up their 12-word secret phrase securely – leading to a complete loss of funds. With the secret phrase cloud backup feature, we’re making it seamless for you to backup and recover your wallet, and better protect your digital assets.

How do I create a unique and strong encryption password?

Remember that your encryption password is used to encrypt and decrypt your secret phrase cloud backup. Put another way, anyone that has access to your encryption, can access your crypto – or if you lose your encryption password, you could also lose access to your crypto.

Here are some recommendations on how to create a strong password and how to keep it secure:

Encryption password requirements (minimum):

  • At a minimum, your encryption password must contain 8 or more characters
  • It must include at least one lower-case letter, one upper-case letter, one number, and one symbol.

Password security suggestions:

  • Do not reuse the same password you use for iCloud, any email accounts or any other service.
  • Consider using a password manager such as 1Password, Bitwarden, Keeper and others to generate unique passwords that are long and to keep your passwords securely stored.
  • Avoid using things like famous quotes, your birthday, or anything obvious as your password.

Do I need both the encrypted cloud backup and manual written backup of my secret phrase?

We strongly recommend you use the cloud backup feature in addition to writing down and securely storing a written physical copy of your secret phrase.

It’s important to remember that if you ever lose access to your wallet’s secret phrase, you risk losing all the digital assets within the wallet. Use both options for added protection and to help prevent the loss of your digital assets.

Have questions?

Check out our detailed FAQ page for the most commonly asked questions about Trust Wallet’s cloud backup feature. If you ever need further assistance, reach out to our support team.