Hold $TWT to Waive Crypto Purchase Fees

Trust Wallet is a free app that facilitate the growth of cryptocurrency adoption. That’s why our biggest goal is to make stepping into cryptocurrency as easy as possible. We want the experience to be as simple as downloading any other app. However, there are always areas to improve.

In order to further speed up the development and to find more ways to “make crypto more accessible”, the app will start charging a 1% fee on top of every cryptocurrency purchase. We have several partner crypto providers that give you the best rates for a wide range of assets that is available for purchase. Learn more about them here: List of Cryptocurrency Providers

How do you get around this additional 1% fee?

Simple, hold at least 100 $TWT on your wallet in order to waive off the fees. Please make sure that you have TWT enabled on your wallet.

You can hold either TWT BEP2, BEP20 or even SPL tokens.

This is one of the use-cases mentioned on our future plans for the Trust Wallet Token (TWT). The team is working to add more features to the app that will help benefit every Trust Wallet app user and it will always remain free to use.

Also, you can still purchase crypto anywhere else and send it to the app, without any charges. You just have to keep in mind that there will be Cryptocurrency Network Fees for every transaction.

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