Best Practices for Storing Your Recovery Phrase

The recovery phrase is a crucial element for the security of your Trust Wallet. If your device is lost, damaged or stolen, you can use your recovery phrase to restore access to your entire wallet. Therefore, it is important to keep your recovery phrase or private keys safe.

Best practices:

  • Write it down on a piece of paper and store it in a safe and secure place. If you are looking for something more durable then paper, we recommend you to use CRYPTOTAG.

  • Store it inside a Password Manager. If you aren’t already using one, you should probably do so anyway. Your recovery phrase will be stored inside an encrypted database either locally on the user’s device or remotely through an online cloud service. Solutions like Lastpass, 1Password or KeePassXC are a safe choice.

  • Note taking Apps like Notes for iOS, Samsung Notes for Android or OneNote let you create notes protected with a password. If you don’t want to use a Password manager, storing it inside a password protected (and encrypted) note also works.

Redundancy is important: Store your recovery phrase in different places to have a backup of your backup. An accident may destroy one backup, but is unlikely to affect the other if they are in different locations.

Here is another good read for keeping your wallet secure:



Always keep in mind these two goals when storing your recovery phrase:

  1. It should never get lost, you should always have it
  2. No one else should get hold of it, who is not supposed to